Good-Bye Jet Lag…Hello Vacation

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How do you come off a 10 hour flight to a foreign time zone ready to hit the sights?  It’s not always easy but using some simple travel tested strategies can help minimize the effects of Jet Lag.  Even if you are traveling with kids, these small changes in your routine can make a huge difference.

1. Consider which direction you are flying

This can make a difference. Flying East to West you will have to wake up earlier and go to bed earlier than you normally would. And flying West to East, you need to stay up later. You have to reset your clock to get into a rhythm and this works best when you force yourself to stay up later or get up earlier.  With children, we recommend doing this gradually in 1-2-hour increments per day.  Trying to get kids to go to bed at 8:00PM the first night in Europe won’t work.  Start late the first night since their body will still think they are in USA time or you will have kids waking up at 3:00AM the first night. The next day, get up a bit later than you would at home, possibly 9:00AM but don’t sleep too late.  You need to start resetting that clock!

2. Consider adjusting your sleep schedule before you leave

If you can, start adjusting your sleep schedule before you leave or at least be aware of what time it is in the country you are visiting and try to inch your way slightly to that schedule.


3. Sunshine, Fresh Air and Exercise

This is the best possible tip I can give you! The first day get outside and get fresh air.  Go for a walk or a bike ride and if you feel tired, get out in the sunlight. Years ago I had my 16 year old niece on a trip where I kept sending her outside to sit every time she looked sleepy in the afternoon.  She was not happy with me but the next day she felt great!


5. Reset Your Watch ASAP

Getting on the time of your destination as soon as possible can really help you get in the right mindset.  Start making choices from the moment you board the plane that are based on the time in your destination.


6. Don’t Reset Your Watch

What?  You just said reset your watch!  There is an exception for to this rule.  If your trip is just a few days, it’s often easier just to stay on your home time zone or closer to it if possible.  I’ve been know to stay on Eastern time during a four day trip to London so I can quickly return to normal when I get home.  Sleep a little less and push through and it can be done.  Or a good alternative is split the difference and for example only adjust 3 hours if you have a 6 hour time change.  This really only works well for trips of 4 nights or less. 

7.  Now is Not The Time to Nap

Don’t go to sleep unless it is early in the morning or nighttime where you have landed or if you are trying to stay on your home time zone and it’s night at home.  Get out, be active and stay awake.  This is especially important with kids or you will never get them to bed.  If they must nap, make sure it’s not more than an hour or longer than the normal nap they would take at home.